Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Class Summary and Homework 9/12 W and 9/17, 19

Today we will create and practice our "Who am I?" presentations.

The purpose of the Who am I? presentations is to give each class member a chance to visually show what they want to show about themselves so we can get to know them. Also, it is fun to think "Who am I?" and what you will show within a limited time and space. Feel free to be creative and original in the approach you take!

If possible, consider this slide show something that you can post on your blog too. It won't be required, but it is a nice visual element to spice up your personal writing blog. To upload the slides and embed them, just use SlideShare.com and copy the embed code into the HTML window of blogger.

1) Confirm blogging topics - Which topics have you finished? What did/will you write about "Are you a writer?" What open topic did/will you blog on?

2) Mark's demo of 10x10 "Who am I?" presentation?

3) Brainstorm 10x10 content on paper + Share with a partner.

4) Download 10x10 PowerPoint template (click here) and practice adding images (from the Internet) and key words. Note: If you need a scanner, the ILC Helpdesk has one, and it is quite easy to use.

5) If possible, let's do a very rough rehearsal at the end of class, and also decide order of presentations on Monday/Wednesday.


10.     Mariko

Wed = ABC  order of first name

6) How to practice/do rehearsals = You need to practice at least 10 times with your VOICE out loud, standing in front of a computer, to be ready. Manage your time and don't spend all of your time for creating the visuals. Plan 30 minutes for purely practicing your delivery. The visuals can be rough, and some slides can just be a key word with text only.

7) On your presentation day, make sure you bring your PowerPoint file on a USB. Make sure it is ready to go because there will be no time for final changes!

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