Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class Summary and Homework 9/19-21

We are using these two days for your Who Am I? 10x10 presentations. Please be ready with your set of PowerPoint slides on a USB memory device.

I hope the process of preparing the 10x10 is helpful for thinking about who you are and what is meaningful to you.

I also hope that listening to your classmates presentations will help all of you develop a sense of community as you begin to write and communicate about yourselves.

Homework for 9/26 Monday:
On Monday, we will start exploring the process of writing and various genres that you can write and publish in this class. I will provide a "sample plan" for drafting, revising, and publishing 3 pieces of creative, personal writing (personal narrative, haiku/poem, and short story) and give examples and resources.

1) Bring a notebook of any size to class. This will be your Writer's Notebook for brainstorming or jotting down sudden inspirations.

2) Continue your blogging: This week's fixed topic is Who Am I?  Please also write an open topic blog--choose a topic that is meaningful for you! If possible, try to embed your Who Am I? slides on your blog using www.SlideShare.net.

3) Comment on your partners' blogs: For all of the topics so far, please leave a short or long comment to show your reaction, ask a question, or send a message. The groups of 4 for commenting are, in order of student number:

Genta, Mitsuru, Aze, Kumiko

Chihiro, Meiko, Yu Inoue, Soichiro

Kan, Yu K., Tetsuro, Kazuki

Riki, Uka, Arisa, Natsuki

Buchi, Hisashi, Mio, Kaori

These partner groups for commenting will continue until Week 5. Then I will change the groups. Of course, you are free to comment on all classmate blogs and my blog posts too! I hope somebody will leave me a message because blogging with no reactions is very lonely. I plan to leave a comment on everyone's blog over this long weekend too.

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