Monday, November 12, 2012

Ryoko's 3rd piece, "A Letter To My Hands"

Author's note:
First, I decided to write a letter to somebody. However, it was very difficult for me to choose who I would write to. Someone I respect, someone I love, someone I dislike......There are many people I want to write letters to actually. I was thinking about how I related to those people. To communicate with those who I have never met, like favorite singers, favorite actor, favorite anime characters, I use my hands by reading books, reading manga, using PC. To communicate with those who are close to me, I also use my hands, like shaking hands, high five, composing email. My hands are necessary to communicate with my precious people, and to relate with them. Then, I noticed that I had to say thank you to my hands. Therefore, I wrote a letter to my hands.
Thanks to Mark, I made this piece better.
Also, thanks to my hands, I am now composing this pieces.



Dear my hands

This is the first time for me to write to you guys.

First of all, I want to say Thank you.
You always work for me. You wash dishes, wash my hair, push the buttons, type on the key board. and so on.
I cannot live without you!
Since you are clumsy, you are often injured. You cut yourself by paper etc.
Also, you are injured because I practice Japanese sword. It really looks painful.

My right hand, I really enjoy drawing pictures with you. I am still poor at drawing pictures. I hope I will be good at it together with you.
My left hand, I sometimes disliked you, because you did not move as I want, especially when I was playing the piano! But we overcame the difficulties a little. Now, I don’t play the piano so much, but I hope we can overcome any difficulties from now on.^^

When I was an elementary school student, you were so chapped in the winter. It was really painful and so ugly. To tell the truth, I really hated you guys. I really didn’t know why you guys were so weak. You have been recovered and you are fine now. I still don’t know the causes. But I have to say sorry for my blaming you. Because I was mischievous, you may have been tired. I’m really sorry for that.  
You never complain about any of these. You are really kind! I love you!
I will try to care about you more from now on.
I hope we can build better relationships with each other.^^




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