Monday, October 1, 2012

The Process of Publishing: Key Steps (Presented on 10/1 Monday)

Many of you have some drafts developing and getting close to publishing, so here is the process:

1. Drafting - Create a draft, even if it is rough, it is OK! Just put your ideas out on paper or other media to begin with.

2. Getting Feedback - Ask a classmate, family member, teacher or other person to take a look at your draft and give reactions. Getting feedback can be a scary thing, but it is good to choose a supportive person (like me or your classmates...fellow writers who know that expressing yourself includes a lot of anxiety).

3.  Revising - adding, cutting, modifying, making it more specific...adding images, illustrations, colors - try to make it full of the meaning that you want to communicate!

4.  Editing - After you revise, try to show it to somebody and get some feedback for polishing it up to avoid spelling mistakes or anything else that might interfere with your communication.

5. Publishing - Send to me your 1) link to your document or the text/images, and 2) your Author's Note about your feelings related to writing the piece such as why you decided to write it and what you felt as you wrote. I will post your link and note on your page on our website!

ALSO include in the Author's Note a reference to a classmate's reaction or comment or suggestion/advice that you used as you revised the piece.

I think this will have two positive effects on the writing process. First, I hope all of you will more actively seek advice from more classmates during the process, from the brainstorming stage, to the drafting stage, to preparing it for publishing using images, fonts etc. Second, it is nice for a classmate who gives advice to see their name receiving credit and thanks for helping in the writing process. If you get a comment from somebody outside of class, you can include that too! As for comments from me, the instructor, whether you refer to them or not is really up to you.

At least include two classmates' names in each piece! More is even better...actively get comments by sharing your draft in class or by email/online!

Examples of reference to feedback in Author's Notes:
I want to thank my classmate Taro for giving me the suggestion to add more content to the part about..."

While I was writing this piece, I received many positive comments and suggestions from Taro and Hanako. The idea to use the spider image was Taro's. Also, Hanako gave me invaluable advice about expressions that are more detailed and specific in the description of the character such as "a cynical smile like that of a Japanese baboon who has just succeeded in unlocking his own cage.

I would like to express my gratitude to my friend Jiro who told me the first part was interesting, but frankly the ending was not very satisfactory. He suggested many ways to change it, and ultimately I chose the current ending. What do you think about it, Jiro? I don't know if it is really exciting or not in the final version, but it made me think about many different ways to end the story. Thanks Jiro!

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