Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week 8 Fixed Topic: Write Your Own Obituary (As morbid as that may seem)

Remember that you have a choice to make your imagined obituary seem 1) realistic, or 2) totally fictional.


Some links to tips and examples:

As the first site lists, your obituary can include:

-Name of the person who died (your name).
-Date of death, optional is the detail of how you died.
-Birth date and age.
-Address he last used. (feel free to be living whereever you want)
-A little history, mainly talking about memories, including marriage, children, grandchildren, career, community service, what people will remember you for
-Most importantly the funeral service's time, date, and other details.


  1. Mark Christianson, resident of Paris, France, passed away on December 25, at the age of 124, at his house in Rue de Paris.

    Mr. Christianson was born on September 8, 1973, in Los Angeles, California. He moved to Japan as a young child with his loving family, which was engaged in Christian missionary work in the Saku area in Nagano. Mr. Christianson chose the life of a language learning instructor and researcher,taking inspiration from his father and his experience with living and studying in China. For almost 80 years, he dedicated his life to working with Japanese college students at International Christian University and other universities throughout Japan before moving to Paris to focus on his writing of thematic novels and short stories as well as textbooks for language learning. He is also known locally as an excellent BBQ chef and long-time marathon and triathlon enthusiast, completing his 100th full marathon just last year at age 123.

    Mr. Christianson is survived by his wife Megumi, his son, Michael, and daughter, Mei, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. At Mr. Christianson's request, the funeral will be held in the restaurant The White Cat, and music will be heavy metal live music, not melancholy in any way. Please send your condolences to his Facebook page.

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  3. Kan Kaneko was travelling in the snow when he dropped down dead yesterday. He was 36 when he died.

    Born on September 25, 1991 in Tokyo, Kaneko spent his childhood years in Chicago, Italy, and Sweden. He then returned to Japan and graduated ICU in 2014. Since then, he had been travelling around the world.

    His hobbies included travelling, walking distances, observing cityscapes, mingling with people in different cultures, singing songs, and thinking.

    During his life, he is said to have been fascinated by death, which to him was one of the things to look forward to at the end of his life. So, he is probably happy to be experiencing death and seeing what happens after life.

    He was a firm believer in reincarnation, and has left saying that he might be born a moth or a fig tree in his next life.

    At Kaneko's request, there will be no service, but feel free to pop by at the death site, where his sky burial will take place. Come and see his snow-covered corpse get eaten by wild vultures!

  4. Mr. Yosuke Azetaka died of old age at his house in Nagano on 12/25/2080. When he was dead, he was 90 years old. He died, watched by his family.

    He was born in Tokyo on 8/16/1990. After graduated from his university: ICU, he worked a bank until he was 50 years old. When he was 28 years old, he got married and had 3 children; one is boy and two are girls. Also, he got 6 grandchildren and played together happily. After retiring from the bank, he moved from Tokyo to Nagano with his wife because he loved nature very much. Twice a year, his children's family came to his house in Nagano. In Nagano, he played archery so much and got many friends in Nagano.

    He wanted his family to make his funeral enjoyable, so in his funeral many people talked about his story and smiled. In his funeral, participants never cried. Many UK music songs and japanese pop music songs were played, so the atmosphere in his funeral was so bright.

  5. Mio Uemura, resident of Kyoto, passed away on August 30, at the age of 70, at the Tetsugaku no michi, the way to Ginkakuji temple, cause of heart attack.

    Ms. Uemura was born on the September 20, 1991, in Saitama. She graduated ICU in 2014. She likes traveling, so she is fascinated by the job in airport. When she was in university,she studied to acquire English and Chinese skill hard, and she became an airport staff. When she was 27, she got married with the man, he is a colleague in her job, from Kyoto. She had two children, and lived happily.

    Ms. Uemura wanted her funeral to be simple, so only her children and relative attended to see her off.

  6. Arisa Ono, of Kanagawa, Japan died Monday, November 7, 2089 at her house peacefully.

    Born in Mutsumi cho, Yokohama, on 21st October 1989 to Yoko and Masato Ono, Arisa was an overly energetic but also a talented kid. She showed her talents in music, sports, academics. Her special interest in language made her to go study abroad in Canada and France, where she found great love in English and French. Also, her ambition to always be engaged with the outside world made her to go International Christian University, where she graduated in 2014.

    From 2015 to 2045, she worked as a buyer for an international trade cooperation which locates in London. There, she had chances to travel around the globe and it was in 2020, when she met her husband, Julien Pinot, in an open air market in Paris, France.

    After her retirement in 2045, she choose to move from France to Japan with her husband.

    She was an avid traveler and enjoyed traveling across the country from top to bottom, with her beloved cat, Jiji. After the journey, she started to travel around the world and she found great love in Africa and Southeast Asia, where she resided for couple of years. However, she always went back Japan because she loved her home country, where she could not spend much time when she was young.

    Arisa is survived by her husband, Julien, her daughter Melody, her son Louis and her cat Jiji.

    The funeral service will be held at 2:00 December 25, 2089 at her house. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the International Cat Association.

  7. Yu Kominami died of unknown causes on July 17, 2014 by Loch Ness, Scotland. He was 23 years old.
    Born on April 17, 1991 in Los Angeles, USA he spent his childhood in Singapore and England. He graduated International Christian University, Tokyo in 2014 only several months previously.

    He was to become a teacher starting from September at a highschool in Tokyo, and those involved express their great feeling of loss.

    He was on a trip around Great Britain travelling alone, and a pub owner who was the last to see him alive remembers him as an amiable man.
    No comments have been given out by his family or friends, and his death is kept private amogst those who were involved with his life.

    There will be a service shortly, held in a small-scale, quiet manner. It is private, but those who knew him in any way are welcome.
    He will be buried in Nanzenji, Kyoto where his ancestors are buried.

  8. Mrs. Saoko Yumoto, nee Tabuchi has died in Tokyo, Japan on January 24th in 2092. It was her centennial birthday.

    She was died because she lapsed into dyspneia by laughing too much during her birthday party.
    She was with her three children and seven grandchildren at that time.

    She was born in 1992. After she was graduated from an university, she became an English teacher of junior high school. She taught English for five years and she got married with the late Mr. K. Yumoto and became a housewife. She had two daughter and one son.

    Because of her will, her funeral will be held by her children at her house. At the funeral, you will watch some funny movies and pictures of her for memory with her friends and relatives. Also her last letters for all of her acquaintances will be read by her children.

    More details : 03-××××-5555

  9. Genta Takegami, resident of Matsusaka, Mie prefecture, passed away on the moon on December 10th in 2040. He died when he was enjoying the moon sightseeing.

    Genta was born in Matsusaka on November 30th in 1989. He has grown up and spent his adolescence there for 18 years. He was the very normal boy and didn’t have any recommendation. He was the bullied child and the bullying child in elementary school. His grades on school were also normal, which he was in the middle in all of his school lives.

    He went to Australia for the short home-staying program in 2004 and got depressed after the experience. It is not clear the cause of his depression, but it is guessed that the communication problem between the students in Australia and himself made him depressed.
    This depression influenced his life most, on especially the entrance exam and his college life.

    After he graduated the college, he entered the advertising company and worked for 10 years. He quit the job and he returned his country to start the new business to contribute the development of the local industry.
    He succeeded in the business there and he made his dream true, traveling to the moon.
    While he was living, he always said “I want to make sure that the earth is blue directly, by my eyes.”
    Though the result of his travel was pity, he was probably satisfied with it.

    Genta’s funeral will be held his home at Matsusaka on December 14th in 2040. His family would the participants to enjoy the service, even not to feel sad because Genta liked and tried to enjoy everything when he lived.

  10. Tetsuro Kudo, resident of Tokyo, passed away on November 28, at the age of 88, at his house, , cause of heart attack.

    Mr.Kudo was born on the February 9, 1992, in Shimane. She graduated International Christian University in 2014, and devoted himself for preservation of disappearing ethnic musical cultures in the world as a musicologist. He was also known as a bibliomaniac, and he was under his books and scores when he was found by his friend.

    A funeral will not be held because he had no family, and pre-need funeral("seizensou") had already held 3weeks before his death. Instead, a little tea party will be held by his friends to talk about memory on him.

  11. Kumiko Dojo passed away rest in the arms of our God, surrounded by all those who loved him deeply, on the September 1, 2090.

    Kumiko Dojo was born on the August 31,1990, and for the past three months was fighting a battle for her life. During these short three months that she spent with us, she touched our lives and soul become a blessing to us, and her presence in our life is a gift we will always be thankful for.

    Kumiko Dojo is survived by his parents, Shinya and Minori, and Takafumi, Yuriko and Satoko.

    The funeral services will not be held.

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  13. Scenario 1

    The world comes to an end, so there is no one to write my obituary.
    (May be he was a guy like a mix of Hitler and Robespierre armed with some deadly bio-chemical weapon.)

    Scenario 2

    Nozomi Obinata, the former prime minister of Japan passed away yesterday in his house, taken care by his family. He contributed in stopping the nuclear war between nations and directed the world toward nuclear abolishment through his career as a UN officer. After joining the Japanese government, he contributed in building a society with free decisions, where people have more freedom of choice on how they live their lives. He is also famous for introducing a new concept of Socio-Capitalism, where there is free competition, yet there is a foundational system for social welfare. And blah blah blah…

  14. Yumi Matsuda, resident of Tokyo, Japan, passed away on June 17, at the age of 27, at setagaya.

    Ms. Matsuda was born on August 2, 1992, in Saitama city in Japan. She spend her life in Saitama til 22. Her family was mother, father, and young sister. Ms. Matsuda worked at company after graduated school, and live alone in Tokyo. She learned piano and flute from 22, and since then, she belonged to an amateur brass band club. She sometimes said feeling nothingness from when she was teen ager. She sometimes win a small prize of novel.

    At Ms. Matsuda's request, the funeral will be held in the aquarium. Music will be a live performance. When you come her funeral, please bring a letter for her.

  15. Mariko Ando, resident of Kanagawa, passed away September 27, at the age of 81 in book's world.

    Ms. Ando was born May 28, 1992, in Yokohama city in Japan. She entered Christianity kindergarten and spends all Christianity school in Japan. When she was child, she always thinks "I go to the world of books!" She granted this dream. After graduated university, a scientist developed the machine that people can go into books. And then scientist recruited a guinea pig. She applies this recruit and then she went to the world of books.

    Then she always stayed into books. She seldom went back this world. But, she feels so happy. She loves the world of books, and she is loved by books.

  16. Saya Kojima passed away on September 1st, at the age of 50.

    Ms. Kojima was born in 1992, in Tokyo. She loved music since her childhood, so after she graduated from university, she worked as a music writer. She worked at famous music magazine company. 10 years after she entered the company, she became independent, and played an active role in music industry as a music journalist. She set up many music events and a number of people were excited by them.

    She worked so hard as a journalist, but on the other hand, she treasured her family very much. Though she had no children, she had quite good relationship with her husband. In holidays, they often traveled together. Two weeks before her death, they went to Salar de Uyuni, which had been their dream for long time.

    Ms. Kojima's funeral will be held at her home, only by her family and friends. In the funeral, some musicians who were the friends of Ms. Kojima will perform.

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  18. Ryoko Miyake passed away at the age of 39. She was in her house in Japan.

    Ryoko was born on April 22nd in 1992 with her twin sister.
    Since she was a little bit crazy, she believed that she would go to anime world one day.
    Her "dream husband" was Shanks (from One Piece), her "dream big brother" was Itachi (from Naruto), her "dream little brother" was Luffy (from One piece), her "dream Japanese sword teacher" was Mihawk (from One Piece) and Kenshin (from Rurou ni Kenshin), her "dream pet" was Happy (from Fairy Tail), her "dream respecting teacher" was Kakashi and Minato (both from Naruto), and her "dream boyfriend" was Ace (from One Piece).
    She had no real husband, nor real child, but she really enjoyed her life alone. It was full of imagination and dreams.
    Because she lived in the dream world, her heart was so tired. She was always thinking about "dream things". Thus, her heart was not able to stand too much ドキドキ (throb) and she died.

    There is nobody who understand Ryoko anymore. Ayako, her 7 minutes younger twin sister, understood her well, but she dies 7 minutes after Ryoko died.

    Did Ryoko really die?
    The answer is NO.
    As she believed, we should believe she is in anime world now. She is still alive somewhere.
    So, her funeral was not needed.

    If you read manga or watch anime, you may find Ryoko.

  19. Mari Moro, resident of Shiretoko peninsula in Hokkaido, passed away on 01/06/2100, at the age of 100, at her house in Shiretoko.

    Ms. Moro was born on the 01/05/2000, in Tokyo. She moved to Cambodia to build schools after graduating from ICU in 2023, and led almost all of her life there to contribute to improving educational systems in developing countries. Until the age of 80, Ms. Moro dedicated herself to building as many schools as possible and providing local children with equal educational opportunities. Those schools that she built are now well-known all over the world for producing many excellent students. After 2080, she retired at the age of 80 and then moved to Shiretoko Peninsula back in Japan, which she traveled when she was very young and always wanted to live since then. For 20 years from 2080 to 2100, she indulged in beautiful nature and sent her peaceful life happily, surrounded by many wild animals, plants, and various kinds of living creatures.

    Ms. Moro is survived by her son Ashitaka, and daughter, San, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. At Ms. Moro's request there is no service that is being held. She was just buried in one of the most beautiful gardens in Shiretoko. Please send your condolences to her website page on schools in Cambodia.

  20. Jun Aoyagi, resident of Niigata, passed away on April 30, at a nursing home. She died of old age, at 86 years old. The last night, she said “good night” to her friends of a nursing home, and she never got out of the bed again.

    Mrs. Aoyagi was born on February 12, 1993, in Niigata. Her family was very close, so she grew up with their love. When she became a high school student, she started to live away from her family to live in a dorm. After graduation for the International Christian University, she became a bible teacher at her old high school. She worked hard to change Japanese educational circles, and many students become happy.
    She got married when she was 24 years old, and had a son and a daughter. She took good care of their home as a mother.
    She enjoyed her life after retirement with her husband. She was by his bedside when he died two years ago. Then, she started to live a nursing home and made so many new friends.
    She lived always among her important people.

    At Mrs. Aoyagi’s request, the funeral will be held in the church she went to, and sing a lot of happy hymns with a piano accompaniment of her grandchild. Please come, if you are her acquaintance.

  21. Ryo Shinkai, resident of Munich, Germany, passed away on May 5, at the age of 70, at his house in Munich.

    Mr. Shinkai was born on June 9, 1991, in Fukuoka, Japan. After graduating International Christian University, he got into German Sport University Cologne. He got the license of football manager for professional football clubs there, and decided to dedicate his life to working as a staff of professional football club. He was the first Japanese who took command of a football team in Europe. In the first place, He worked as a football coach for 20 years. Then he became a football manager of Borussia Dortmund. He worked in some clubs in Germany. He worked many years as a football manager in Germany, and he could not lead his team to the champion, but he has been noted for growing younger football player. He quit his job on 2059.

    Mr. Shinkai is survived by his wife, his son and daughter. At Mr. Shinkai’s request, the funeral will be held in Allianz Arena in Munich.

  22. Saaya Matsui, resident of Japan, passed away on January 10th 2037, at the age of 65, at her house. The cause of her death was to eat too much ice cream.

    Ms. Matsui was born on January 9, 1992, in Sydney, Australia. After two months later, she moved to Japan, and grown up with her parents, and two elder sisters in Chiba.
    Before she died, she granted her dream that she wish since she was a university student in ICU. It was about a one lap trip in the world with her husband after he retired his job. When she became 30 years old, she scratched a lottery on the same day of her birthday. She got a chance of fortune that was a billion dollar, and then donates money and goods for persons from underprivileged on the way of travel. That money used for her wish. After she came back to Japan from trip, she turned 63. She spent her two years more life with her wonderful husband. She was interested to work and learn about minority people by usual days. Therefore she really hoped to contribute for minority people. Trip might be glad for her, because she contributed for people, and had chance to met people from various countries.

    She was survived by her parents, two sisters, her husband, two children and two grandchildren. At Ms Matsui’s request, the funeral will be held in dream country. It will be very gorgeous, because there will be lot of colorful flowers surrounded her coffin, and inside of coffin was full of sweets and pictures. In addition, chocolate smell in the funeral, and pop western music for her no getting sad.

  23. Tsubasa Matsutani, resident of Japan, passed away on March 4th 2072,at the nightclub in Dominican Republic.

    Ms.Matsutani was born on November 20,1992, in Japan, Hyogo.She was grown up in the small town called Befu with many relatives who lived near from her house.She lived in her grand parent's house for 10years and then moved to new house next to her grand parent's house at the age of 10.She went to Hakuryo junior high school and high school and studied very hard for the entrance examination for Tokyo University which is the best university in Japan.However, she failed to enter this university and actually entered ICU in Tokyo, which was the best university for her as she told.In ICU she learned a lot about sociology and law, because she was interested in immigrants and refugees in Japan. At the age of 20, she decided to go Spain for one year to learn Spanish for one year. After she graduated from university, she passed the exam to be a diplomat and started to work in the Japanese Embassy in Peru.She dedicated her life to make good relationship between Peru and Japan. After quitting diplomat, she came back to Japan and established NGO to support Japanese Latin Americans such as Japanese Peruvian in Japan. She never fogot her latin spirits and keep dancing in the nightclub until her death.

    She was survived by three children and two grandchildren. At her request, the funeral will be hold at the beach. She also requested to put latin music and dance after the funeral not to make her funeral with so much sorrow.

  24. Kumiko Otsuka, resident of Gifu city, passed away on September 4th, at the age of 86 as her house in Gifu city. She passed away surrounded by her children and grandchildren.
    After she graduated from International Christian University, she worked at Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 40 years. She was assigned to Jordan, Israel and Italy. After she retired her job, she came back to her hometown, Gifu city, and started to live together with her children, grandchildren and many dogs and cats. She grow various flowers in the garden.

    At Ms. Otsukas's request, the funeral will be held at beautiful garden with many flowers. Please bring some beautiful flowers for her.
