Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/10 Wed, Class Summary / Homework

1. Discuss your blogging/commenting: How's it coming? Have you reached 10 articles?

2. Week 5 - Fixed topic = What's happiness to you?

3. Continuing your publishing - How's your first piece? Today's goal is to have a printed first piece that you have already revised, and try to get feedback for editing.

4. Most of you should have received invitation emails to edit this blog. You can publish your own piece in the following steps:

  1) Log in.
  2) Create new post.
  3) Write your title, and piece info such as link or content, and author's note including thanks to two or more classmates or other people who helped you with revising/editing.
  4) Add labels with the format "by Name" and also your genre such as "Poem" or "Short Story"

5. Homework = Mid-term reflection - respond to my email to be sent tonight or tomorrow.

6. Visit by Kathleen Hill on Wed next week - What questions do you want to ask?
     Her author website is: http://www.kathleenhillwriter.com/
     One of her impressive short stories is the The Annointed.

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