Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Messages to Kathleen - Please leave a comment!

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the session with Dr. Kathleen Hill yesterday. Thanks for asking many excellent questions.

Kathleen would love to hear what ideas were interesting to you, or what reactions you had. Could you please leave your reactions here by clicking on "Comment"?

She has access to this blog, so she will be able to see your reactions.



PS: Also, here is my summary of the Q&A yesterday based on my notes (click).


  1. Dear Kathleen,

    The most memorable part of the session, for me, was the importance of being aware of my own feelings, day to day, and writing them down, even roughly.

    I want to do that more.

    Thank you for visiting!


  2. Hi,
    Everything was so interesting to me, because that was the first time for me to talk with a professional writer.
    But it was very impressive that something is painful for you to write. Since you are a professional writer, I thought you can write everything you would like to write well. And listening to this, I decide I will not give up writing something difficult to express.

    I really enjoyed your visiting. You are so kind and answered every question kindly. Thank you.

  3. I was interested in lecture from Kathleen. But especially I was impressed by her story of she do every time. She said she think about what to feel every day. And then she write this things. I think writer is not easy. Writer always keep writing hardly. To write is difficult for all people maybe. But she challenge to write about herself with enjoying. It is wonderful things. I love writing too. So, I keep writing!

    Thank you for visiting. I want to meet you again.


  4. Dear Ms.Kathleen,

    Thank you so much for visiting our class. It was such a great experience for me to listen to a professional writer's wonderful stories, and I gained many new perspectives from you.
    For me, one of the most impressive ideas was that you write because you feel the need to do so. I remember you said that you want to keep the memories, ideas, or insights that you obtained from your experiences but cannot express in spoken words before you lose them. Since I had often expected that writers write to entertain readers or convey certain messages through their books, I was a little surprised to hear that you write to keep ideas for yourself rather than to leave them for others. Maybe letting readers know some messages can be one of the motivation for writers to write, but the first and most motivation comes from inside of themselves...I think. Anyway, all of your talks were quite interesting and made me think deeply about the meaning of writing. Thank you very much once again for sharing time with us. I'll definitely read some of your works when I have time!


  5. Thank you for visiting our class.
    That was my first time to listen a lecture from professional writer.
    I surprised that you started writing from 40.
    Your story gave me brave to future.

  6. Dear Ms. Kathleen

    Thank you very much for sharing your amazing stories.
    I had a good fortunate expeience.
    The most interested part was that even if you feel worried about what other people think about your story, you shut down those afraid voices. Then you write down what you try to express your feeling. For me, if I afraid from something, I am not able to get out of other's opinion when I write or speak something.
    After I heared your stories, I felt less worried what people say to me. I will do something optimistic, not negative.
    Also I was glad that you like Japanese writer who is Basho Matsuo.
    Thank you very much for coming to our class.

    Thank you


  7. Thank you for visiting us very much.

    I'd never met professional writer, so it was really great time.
    For me, most memorable part was "try to be aware of what i feel". I keep a blog every day, but sometimes I can't find any things to write. In that case, I want to try it. I
    I like to write something, both in Japanese and English, but I'm not sure how I can write good things. Now, after listening your stories, I want to write more about me.

    It was so precious time. Thank you very much for coming!


  8. It was great to have you in our class last week.
    Thank you very much for visiting our class!

    For me, listening about how you develop your thoughts and writing was really interesting.
    You talked about how every little things that come into your life can make a great inspiration to you and how you would write it down, first as your personal experience and then into more polished sentences. It sounded to me it is really simple yet, closely tied to the reality of life and of the world.

    Thank you also for answering my questions and giving me feedbacks for my poem too.
    It was really great since I don't usually get to meet people who I can ask these kind of questions.
    I think writing is a great thing that humans have for their abilities. I helps you think, reflect on your thoughts, and develop your ideas. I've long been stopping from writing down my own thoughts, that I once used to do, but may be I can start trying once more, because I know how wonderful it is for me to do that. You gave me an inspiration for that.

    Thank you for coming and hope to see you again on Campus!


  9. Dear Ms. Kathleen

    Thank you very much for visiting and giving us opportunity to talk with you.

    It was really interesting to talk with you both in the class and in the cafeteria.
    Now I am very encouraged by you to publish something someday in my life and I decided to keep writing my thoughts in daily lives.
    As you said, writing is very beautiful and writing is something who enable humans alive.

    Moreover, I really love your personality and smiling.
    Your way of speaking and smiling is wonderful.
    I hope I can smile like you and make people happy.

    I hope I can see you again in Japan!


  10. Dear Ms.Kathleen

    Thank you for your lecture and opportunity to talk with you.

    It was very exciting and interesting to exchange opinions with a professional writer.
    I am inspired to write and publish something because of your story.

    From now on I will write as if I were alone, the person in the world as you said. By doing so, I can take a look at my feeling or emotion and publish good pieces.

    Thank you for coming and I hope to see you again!


  11. Dear Ms.Kathleen

    Thank you very much for coming to our class.
    I am honored to meet you and listen your story directly.
    Also I was glad that you answered our questions carefully.

    I do not like to write academic papers but I like write blog or SNS. In any ways, I want to keep writing constantly.

    Hope to see you again.


  12. Dear Ms. Kathleen

    Thank you for visiting our class.
    I’m sorry I didn’t thank you earlier.
    Your answers had an effect on my writing.

    I was little nervous before you came to our class because I cannot speak English well. However, you came and sat by my side, and talked in simple English with a kind smile, so I was really glad.

    It was good that I could listen to your story.
    I was so happy to meet you.

    Thank you very much!


  13. Hi everyone,

    Kathleen had technical difficulty posting a comment, so I am posting this here on her behalf.



    Dear YOU Students,

    Thank you all for your thoughtful and very kind remarks. I tried to send you a response but I'm afraid it didn't work.

    However, I've been thinking about the things you wrote. It's amazing to me that you're so interested in writing in general and in writing particularly about yourselves in the world.

    It's never easy, but from my point of view there's nothing more important because writing reminds us of what is human in ourselves, what is human in everyone.

    Thank you making me feel so welcome in your class. I hope you'll be able to continue writing - in whatever way you like - your entire lives.

