Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mariko's first piece "My happy cooking report"

Author's Note: It is a cooking report in which I tried to show how to cook, my experience and my feelings through cooking.

I love writing something. I have written diary, story, picture book, essay, report and something like that. However I did not write cooking report. So I want to challenge cooking report through Personal Writing. Also I like cooking. I always cook breakfast, lunch or dinner in the every weekend. I record this cooking because of not forget in the future. If I look at this report in the future, I recall this record and how to cook. I enjoy written this report. But it was also difficult to convey my feelings to other people by writing. I think that it is important for author to convey my experience or feeling to other people. I learned it by writing this report.

Thank you for Saaya, Jun, my friend, my friend's mother and Mark!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on posting your first piece, Mariko!

    Thank you for being brave as the first student to "publish" on the blog.

    I read it again, and this is very delicious writing. I especially like the personal episodes that you include such as your memories or how your boyfriend likes it. If you get a chance or inspiration, it would be fun to expand those paragraphs even more with delicious descriptions of memories related to your favorite dishes.

    Also, when you get a chance, please include the names of the classmates who helped you in your Author's note!
