Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ryo's first piece "Your sensibility"

Author's note: I produced a new English translation of my favorite poetry written by Noriko Ibaragi.

I love her poetries, especially I love this poetry. When I felt uncertain about my future and was overcome by peopel around me, this poetry gave me a relief. When I read this poetry for the first time, this poetry got stuck deep in mind. Her poetries always give me motivations.

It was hard to me to understand what she really wants to say and convey it to readers in English. However, Moro, Nozomi, my friends and Mark suggested me to some ways to make my piece more poetic, so I was able to complete my work.

I put two pieces here. One piece has sentences written in only English. Another piece has sentences written in English and original Japanese. I want you to read the first piece written in English at first. Then if you want to read it with original Japanese, try to read another one.

1 comment:

  1. Ryo, I'm having trouble with the link. Could you try File --> Publish and change to the published link?
