Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jun's first piece "The teaching of my father"

Author's Note:
I wrote a personal narrative about the teaching of my father when I was a child because thanks to parents, I am the person I am now.

After writing this piece, I paused to realize that my way of thinking is based on my parent’s view. I felt I want to obey the teachings of my parents in the future.

While I was writing this piece, my classmates, Moro and Saya, gave me suggestions. Moro gave me some positive comments and pointed out the part that was difficult to understand. So I tried to change some words to be more clearly. And Saya advised me to add my family photo from when I was a child. Thanks Moro and Saya!

This is my first piece↓


  1. Hi Jun,

    I'm having trouble with the link.
    Could you "Publish" the Google Doc and re-post the link that you get from the following clicks?

    Click [File] --> [Publish to the Web]


  2. I'm sorry!!
    Now, maybe you can access my link.

    Thank you!
