Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nozomi's First Piece, "Who am I" (Poem)

Author's Note:

I made a poem about how I would answer to a question, "who am I?"

This blogging question made me really think deeply about this, so I developed my blog comment to a longer piece of poem. The question made me reflect on myself, and further on how I view the world. I did not think it was possible to express what I felt through logical paragraph, so I wrote this in the form of poem. This way I could let my thoughts come out as words closest to what I have within me. 

I would like to thank Tsubasa, Ryo, Mark, and Ms. Hill for helping me develop my piece. 

Below is the link for my poem ↓

1 comment:

  1. A very thoughtful poem! I love how it starts and the whole poem keeps me engaged in pondering the meaning of my existence.
