Sunday, October 16, 2011

Class Summary and Haiku Homework 10/17 Monday

1. Sit together with comment groups. 
    How's the blogging and publishing coming? 

2. What is happiness to you? What ideas do you have in common? Discuss and share ideas with the whole class. 

3. If you are worried about finishing three pieces, I encourage you to create a "haiku" as one of your published pieces. 

Homework: Everyone, write ONE or more haiku by Wednesday and post it as a comment on this article.  Check out the examples on for inspiration. Simple is OK!

4. Other genres? Let's look at our genre list again together. 

5. Writing time - Keep sending me links to your publish-able articles! 

See you on Wednesday


  1. Entering the dark
    Shadows on the forest bed
    Murmurs of the moon

  2. A swan with blue sky
    With blue sea
    Only loneliness left

  3. Under strong sunshine
    Moment of silence
    Shooting in yellow and walking many times

    Comment to my Haiku
    Yesterday, I had a competition of archery, so I made a haiku about the competition's atmosphere. Yellow means the center of a target: 9 point and 10 point. When I play archery, I become very tired because I must walk many times to go to the target to take the arrows I shot.

  4. Only a moment
    customers start to be conceited
    in a fictional superiority

  5. In dark night
    Shining full moon with cloud
    Lightning without sound

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Renkon in my bento box
    Does each window in your crunchy spiral
    Lead to a different view of the universe?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Quiet morning
    Down a hill by bicycle
    Shining sun and cool wind wakes me up

  10. Nice one Mio! I'm very impressed by all of these.

  11. Midnight walk
    No-one is there, no-one is listening
    Humming walk

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Looking down, depressed
    Fallen leaves dressed
    Me refreshed

  14. A newborn baby with cute small hands
    Close her eyes and hold my finger tight
    Life force was cocveyed and she smiles

  15. Moon shines night
    She knows everywhere
    So you can go where you like

  16. Dear white moon
    Ruler of the dark night
    making it bright

  17. Knock knock knock
    Someone is in front of the door
    The door of my mind

  18. Came across a cat
    Its eyes were bright
    I felt we'd met before

  19. get home at 3:15
    swiftly turn on TV
    glued to a sweet Korean drama

  20. Yaki-imo(焼き芋)

    that sweet smell
    tells time
    just flies by

  21. your skin smoother than the full moon
    your smell scentful than the orange osmanthus
    your syrup sweeter than the Oriental persimmon

    among all the special things of the autumn,
    oh apple, you are the supreme !
