Sunday, October 23, 2011

"The Lemon Lament" (Translation) by Buchi

The Lemon Lament (Link to translated song lyrics)
Original by Kotaro Takamura (Link to original Japanese lyrics)
Translated by Buchi

Translator’s note; This is the poem about the moment of the death of the wife of Kotaro Takamura. She had a mental disease and cannot recognize Kotaro. We can imagine how hard it is for Kotaro. Last, thanks to Yu.I, Genta, Hisashi and Mark for giving me some ideas to change words, and Thanks to Aze who gave me advice about pronouns.


  1. Good job, Buchi!!
    I like this translation:D

  2. I really like this translated song. It is something that should be in English so that people around the world can appreciate the expression of sadness!
