Monday, October 17, 2011

"Who is Machida Ko?" by Riki

Who is Machida Ko? 
by Riki (Link)

Author's Note:
In this piece, I introduce Machida Ko and translate two songs into English.
I have three reasons why I translate Machida's songs.
First, he has a unique sense of language. Mitsuyo Kakuta, a Japanese novelist, said, "Every time I read his novels, I really think that I wish I were him ... when I read his novel for the first time, I was very surprised, because his novel was free. His novel wasn’t restricted with the traditional style of novels, that is, his novel wasn't restricted with words." Thus, he is admitted to be a unique person, and I like those who have unusual, unique and curious personality. Machida satisfies with my taste.
Second, his songs are filled with his energy and spirit. I learned that the most important thing in writing is including author's spirit in this class. As I mentioned above, he has a unique sense of words. At the same time, he also has unique and various way of singing. For example, he shouts, sings with an odd voice, and reads words. I think these methods make listeners understand his feelings and spirit more strongly.
Third reason is the most important.

I like his songs!!
I like his songs!!


  1. Riki,

    I think you did a great job in translating his works in English.

    To be honest, I did not know who Machida Ko was. But I now know and that I agree with you that his use of language is "free" and is written with energy and spirit. You said as an author, it is important to have the "spirit"and I can understand that more now from reading his works and also through YOUR translation.

  2. Nicely translated. Very smooth.

    I was just listening to the Going Mad one and now the Japanese phrase


    won't leave my mind...

    Do you sing his songs too? Karaoke?
