Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Class Summary and Homework 10/12 Wed

First, for Monday next week, 10/17, please:

1) Make sure you have finished blogging on "What is happiness to you?" We will have a short discussion time at the beginning of class for you to share ideas with a few group members.

2) Start commenting on the blogs of your new partners. You can leave comments on any blog articles that interest you, but especially focus on any new ones that have been posted.

Genta, Meiko, Tetsuro, Natsuki

Mitsuru, Yu Inoue, Kazuki, Buchi,

Aze, Soichiro, Riki, Hisashi

Kumiko, Kan, Uka, Mio

Chihiro, Yu K, Arisa, Kaori

3) Continue to write your blog articles and published pieces! Keep asking for feedback on drafts for revision and editing from your classmates. As much as possible, please get classmate feedback before showing it to me!

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