Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Food of Yamagata" by Chihiro

Food of Yamagata (link to article)
by Chihiro

Author's Note:I was born and raised in Yamagata. Yamagata is a typical rural
countryside; there are few high buildings and the transportation system is
undeveloped, but there is beautiful scenery, kind people, and
delicious food. I love my hometown.

However when I came to Tokyo, I noticed most people knew the presence
of Yamagata prefecture, but they knew almost nothing about Yamagata
except cherries. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to let
people know more about my hometown and I decided to write about it.

This is just one part of Yamagata. I want you to visit, see, and eat
actually, to experience Yamagata by yourself. I hope this guide can
make you more interested in my hometown.


  1. Your guide has made me want to go travelling!!
    The first major journey I did alone was go to Yamagata. I visited Sakata and Tsuruoka and also went up Dewa. I remember it was snowing then. It was cold, but really beautiful. I also saw Nihon-kai for the first time. Yamagata is definately a destination I will return.

    What part of Yamagata are you from, anyways?


  2. Kan,
    Thank you for reading my guide! I'm surprised and happy to hear that you've been to Yamagata!

    I'm from Sagae, near Tendo and Yamagata City. In Sagae there is nothing special....but it is famous for cherries. I recommend to visit Cherry Land, a rest area. You can enjoy tasty gelato.

    I hope you will come back to Yamagata again. Thank you for a comment! :)

  3. I have never been to Yamagata and I have to admit that the only thing I know about Yamagata is its cherries... so I would love to visit Yamagata and see different sides of the prefecture !

  4. Arisa,

    To tell the truth, about other prefectures, I also don't know only a few things. I think visiting a new place is the best way to know about it very well. So I wanna visit and learn other prefectures.

    Anyway, I'm so happy if the guide can let you know more about Yamagata. I hope you can see actually other attractiveness of my hometown. Thank you for your reading and comment! ;)
