Sunday, October 2, 2011

Class Summary and Homework 10/3 M

Welcome back!

1. Warm-Up: What blog articles did you write last week? What is your most precious thing?

2. How are the "to be published" pieces coming? On Wednesday 10/5, we will take time for a peer review, so please have your "draft" printed on paper and ready to show to a classmate to get reactions and suggestions.

3. Mini-Lesson/Brainstorming: What is good writing?

4. Writing Time

5. Sharing Time: Ready to show a draft on Wednesday?

-Keep moving forward in the process of writing!
-Make sure you bring a draft of your first piece of writing.
-Make sure you are on schedule to finish 10 blog articles by Friday 10/7 for the mid-term self-evaluation and reflection that you will submit.

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