Monday, October 31, 2011

"A To-do list" by Yu K.

"To-do list" (Link)
By Yu Kominami

Author's note: My first Posting is a list of things I think the human race should do in the near future. I feel we have a lot of problems on our hands, and thought we should have a list to deal with them one by one. Some are serious, others are amusing, all are difficult to achieve. I think.

I thank Kazuki for giving me advice to incorporate the topics from our class discussions into the list. Thanks!!


  1. I enjoyed reading the To-do list. Especially I agree with finding new "X" words.....(I was surprised to see my E-J dictionary has only one page for "X"!)

    I think it is also difficult to prioritize them. But we seem to achieve more easily leaning to 'love' each other.

  2. Nice list, Yu K! It is a nice mix of serious and humorous.

    As you wrote, it will be interesting to see which ones will be crossed out in 100 years!

    As Chihiro wrote, I think the key is the last one, for people to learn to love each other more and overcome differences with patience and self-sacrifice.

  3. X words made me laugh. As for Santa Claus, all the kids and even their parents completely misunderstand him. The spirit of St Nicholas is present in the spirit of giving, and that is Santa Claus. So parents are acting/imitating him when they are giving out gifts. Kids need to be able to see Santa in that act, and learn to appreciate it.

  4. Chihiro, Kan,
    I smiled when I came up with "X"
    And Kan, I agree with you there. "Christmas is giving, not getting" is a favourite saying of mine.

    The last one, the one about loving each other I owe to Kazuki's feedback. I'm glad I shared this before publishing with him.
