Monday, November 14, 2011

Arisa's first piece "A letter to the future me"

Author's Note:
 When I started this piece, I actually did not know the exact reason why I decided to write a letter to the future me. But now I think it was because I had anxiety for myself and also for my future, and that made me want to send myself some sort of message to cheer myself up. There are things that make me worried, such as my studies, future career, my relationship with my family and friends. I also think a lot of my future, especially the ways to live independently and also things concerning with my marriage or other important events to come in the future. Voices from TVs, books and news papers talking about how bad the future for the current young will be, often make me feel scared and confused. I honestly do not have any idea how to be prepared for the coming future. The only thing I can always do is to believe in myself and be strong by making the best out of what I have. So I wanted to tell myself in the future to be strong enough to stand by herself and also to be happy with people around her. That is the reason why I wrote the letter and I think I have managed to write it with my sincere concern for the future me.

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