Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Translation of "Kon and Aki" by Chihiro

Kon and Aki (English)  Kon to Aki (Japanese) 
by Chihiro
Author's Note:

My 2nd piece is a translation of a Japanese picture book, Kon and Aki. I guess some of you have seen this picture book when you were a child. In my childhood, I also loved it and asked mother to read again and again.

For a picture book, of course, pictures are the most important contents. But I’m really sorry I couldn’t show the beautiful pictures with my translation. I could just upload the videos of telling Kon and Aki from Youtube, but they are grainy. If you have time, go to ICU library and borrow the picture book.So please watch it.  

In translating, it is difficult to translate Japanese onomatopoeic words into English natural expressions. After I finished  it, I was really made to realize I should have read more English sources and learned how to tell stories in English. It'll be the biggest reflective experience I gained through the 2nd publishing. If you find an unnatural expression, please feel free to tell me as a comment.

Hayashi, Akiko. Kon and Aki [Kon to Aki]. Fukuinkan Shoten. 1989. Print.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this piece, Chihiro.

    The story is very cute and touching.

    Your translation is very smooth in almost all parts, and I think the romaji of "Paku" and other onomatopoeia works well.

    I'd like to try reading the English version to my kids : - )
