Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Recommendation to Join Debating Society" by Kumiko Dojo

Recommendation to Join Debating Society

Author's note: This is an explanation about debating. Actually, this was supposed to be my 1st publishing, but became the last one since I wanted include so many things that I couldn't organize it easily. I would like you to read this and to be interested in debating even a little bit!! Big thanks to Kumon who is my old "sekume" for commenting and my debating friends for giving me some ideas about this essay

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice friendly, personal introduction to the benefits of joining a debate team!

    I hope you can use this to promote your club and invite many new ICU students.

    In terms of organization, I'm glad you made the first letters bigger. That adds some accent to a document full of paragraphs.

    Highlighting the key words more in headings between paragraphs might make it even more attractive.
