Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Anthem for Japan

New national anthem (link)

Author's Note:

Japan urgently needs a new national anthem. I mean, whoever's heard of anyone singing it out of joy? Either they're being forced to sing it, or they cannot sing it from their hearts because of the general mood of disapproval for openly singing it. Japan's 'Kimigayo' is too loaded with meaning that it no longer functions as an anthem.

This is my satirical take on a new anthem of Japan. And yes, Yu K., it does read more like a pledge. The verses are all random because the melody should also be random.
But wouldn't it be great if we had such a non-serious national anthem? This anthem can be sung by everyone: for rightists and nationalists, the literal meaning can be sung. For leftists and basically most (?) people, the critical, satirical meaning can be sung.

Thanks Yu K. for your feedback!

I hope it isn't too crude!


  1. I like verse five. "by the Board of Education" haha. Very satirical.
    Brilliant choice of colour for each verse.

  2. Nice proposal of the new anthem, Kan! It definitely provides much food for thought on the issue.

    I agree that it will work for both rightists and leftists. Of course, the rightists will be offended by the very suggestion that a new anthem might be a good idea, so they may not sing it so joyously. And you'd better watch your back.

    I especially liked the title P-P-P-.
