Monday, November 7, 2011

"One Day of My Life in Fall" by Yosuke Azetaka

"One Day of My Life in Fall" by Yosuke Azetaka (Link)

Autor's note;

I wrote about a series of haikus related to my one day in fall. Through these haikus, I want to express the joy of writing English haikus. I want to emphasize the daily life's splendor which we lose consciousness of at all times.

Thank Soichiro and Buchi for their advices. Soichiro gave me an advice that I should attach more pictures, so I attached more pictures. Also, Buchi gave me an advice that I should not use same words in different haikus, so I changed some words. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice series of poems and photos!

    This will be a nice way to remember your day to day student life in the future.

    To call it a haiku, I wonder if each three lines includes too many words and is more of a poem-type short description? Of course, you are the writer, so you have freedom to call it whatever you want.
